Join us for Post-it note wars and help Leia to defeat Darth Vader armed only with a Sharpie. Will Galadriel find and defeat Sauron only with post-it notes? What makes a good leader? What makes a bad one?
Friend of Agile:MK Antonio Cobo Cuenca will guide us to explore attributes of influential leaders in this fun and collaborative, fully hands-on workshop. This creative session invites you to translate deeper understanding of behaviour traits into leadership contexts. This is for people interested in discovering their leadership styles and what they have in common with influential leaders from movies, books or the real world!
PLUS: Our Panel Discussion
After the workshop, we will have a panel discussion where the audience will be able to ask our esteemed Panel for their views on the topics and questions of the day. Bring your questions – curious / controversial / Fun. Our theme this month: ‘Agile Leadership’
see you there,
Bryan & Don